The view from the sunny window from a child’s imaginative mind,
Is a warm place full of friendliness where people seem so kind.
They do not know the evils that lurk beyond their gaze,
Or the slow ruin of the Earth from the sun’s ultraviolet rays.
They do not know the perils of a threatening nuclear war,
Or of the poisonous gases that pollute the Earth for sure.
What they see is beauty where flowers dance on queue,
Where fairies chase each other as only fairies do.
They do not know the harm of the social media likes
That becomes a validation of self-worth with every single swipe.
The fakeness behind each selfie that’s shared to create a vibe
A child can not ascertain yet if their accepted by the tribe!
They have no concept of cost, or exceptional high-end wealth,
Or of hooded gangs who menacingly lay in wait so stealth.
They not know yet about exam stress, anxiety or of depression
Or the immigration crisis, or the homeless fighting the recession.
I guess it’s best to keep their sunny innocent view.
It won’t be long before they know the truth.
The window will become a saddened faded fantasy,
And the realisation will sadly become the truth!
NTB Sept24